Conceição Zagalo
Conceição Zagalo
Social Entrepreneur | Teacher | Communicator

Conceição Zagalo was born on October 13, 1952. She is married, has two daughters, four grandchildren and a very large family. From the bottom to the top she developed her career at IBM where, for almost four decades and with some experiences in other countries and on other continents, she reconciled professional, personal and family life by assuming several management positions.
Representing IBM she is a founding member of GRACE - Group of Reflection and is currently President of the Advisory Board and Honorary Associate.
Communication and citizenship have always been her fascination, and that was her choice when, in retirement, she started a new life cycle. Considering herself a compulsive volunteer, she dedicates her days to association management, teaching activities, consulting in third sector organizations, social causes, gender issues, social entrepreneurship... family... grandchildren. 
Since 2010 Conceição Zagalo has carried out several cooperation missions in Vietnam, Mozambique and 6 islands of the Cape Verde archipelago.  
Of the many distinctions she has received throughout her life, the one awarded to her by Amnesty International, along with twenty-five other women around the world, stands out for her special dedication to social causes. Conceição Zagalo assumes herself as an enthusiast for people and life.
