The competition
3 equipas vão competir entre si com o objetivo de percorrer o país da forma mais sustentável possível.
Cada equipa representará uma das seguintes regiões de Portugal – Norte, Centro ou Sul.
Durante a viagem, cada equipa terá um orçamento em “Climas” (moeda fictícia) para gerir.

The "Climate" Coin
“Climate” is a fictional currency that will assess the degree of sustainability of each team action.
The currency will monitor the participants' choices throughout the competition through 4 evaluation vectors:

Game rules
The Teams
Terra (Earth) is the solid element, composed of rocks, minerals, soil and arable land. It is the physical foundation on which life develops and plays a crucial role in sustaining Earth's ecosystems.
Ar (air) is the mixture of gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere acts as a protective layer that absorbs much of the solar radiation, regulating the Earth's temperature.
Água (water) is an essential element for all forms of life on Earth. It covers about 71% of our planet's surface, is a habitat for a variety of aquatic species and plays an important role in regulating the global climate.

Rodrigo Roque
23 years old |

Ana Gabriela Moutinho
24 years old |

Andreia Silva
22 years old |

Maria Nunes
22 years old |

Ana Teresa Soeiro
28 years old |

Débora Pereira
20 years old |

João Medeiros
27 years old |

Érica Ribeiro
24 years old |

André Manteigas
19 years old |

Cristiana Pereira
61 years old |

Guilherme Calheiros
27 years old |

Joana Fonseca
23 years old |
Lisboa /Brasil
The Project
A Viagem pelo Clima is a competition developed within the framework of Cooler World - a movement created by Get2C, with the aim of informing and inspiring the population towards Carbon Neutrality and a more sustainable life.
- Mobilize Portuguese society for the urgent climate transition in an appealing and challenging way.
- Contribute to the mobilization of Portuguese municipalities on the path to decarbonization.
- Demonstrate the influence of each person's lifestyle on their carbon footprint and water footprint, analyzing the impact that their daily choices (transport, food and water consumption) have on the Planet.