Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy governs the treatment of personal data of users (hereinafter "User" or "Users") during the use of the website (hereinafter "site"), by the responsible:

- GET2C, Lda. with the unique collective person identification number and registration number 510055540, headquartered at Avenida General Humberto Delgado, n.º 47 - B, 7370-106 Campo Maior (hereinafter "GET2C" or "Promoter" );
The respect for the privacy of its customers and the fulfillment of the legal obligations applicable in this matter is a priority for the Promoter. Thus, the Promoter guarantees the users of this site respect for their privacy, adopting the necessary measures to safeguard their personal data.
The provision of personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions of use of the site available for consultation at (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions").
The Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the processing of personal data carried out by the Promoter in the context of the purposes established herein, in which the personal information is considered relative to a natural person, of any nature and regardless of its support, which identifies or allows identifying that person.


Users may access, browse and use this website without providing any personal information, without prejudice to the navigation data necessary for the correct management of the website. However, the use of certain tools of the site, namely if you wish to be contacted for the clarification of any questions about the competition, may require the provision of personal identification data (e.g. name) and contact data (e.g. e-mail).
The Promoter is responsible for the processing of the personal data of Users of the site, in the terms and for the purposes indicated in the applicable data protection legislation.
The personal data will thus be processed to enable you to use the site and to respond to the questions you ask us, the processing being based on the execution of a contract whose terms are governed by the Terms and Conditions of use of the site and, failing that, by the general principles of law.


Under the terms of the applicable law and as holders of personal data, the User may at any time request the right to access, rectify and delete their personal data as well as cancel their consent to the processing of their personal data for the future, when this has been the basis for the lawfulness of the processing, by writing to:
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (hereinafter referred to as "CNPD") if he/she believes that the processing of his/her personal data by the Promoter violates the legal regime in force.

Your personal data will be deleted if your consent to the storage of such data has been requested, if the provision of the personal data to achieve the intended purpose is no longer necessary or if the storage of the personal data is inadmissible due to other legal reasons.
For the purpose of exercising your rights you may submit them in writing to the following address: "Av. General Humberto Delgado, n.º 47 - B 7370-106 Campo Maior Portugal".


The data is stored and used for the period strictly necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, unless another period of conservation derives from the direct application of the law. For site management, personal data may be kept for a period of 3 (three) months after the last visit to the site.


The Promoter may transmit your data to entities subcontracted by it for the purposes referred to above, under the terms of the contracts entered into with them.
Users' data may also be communicated to third parties when the transmission is made in order to comply with a legal and/or contractual obligation, a decision of the CNPD or other relevant control authority, or a court order.


The Promoter develops its best efforts to protect the Users' personal data against unauthorized access. For this purpose, it uses security systems, rules and other procedures in order to ensure the protection of the personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the data, improper use, disclosure, loss or destruction.

It is, however, the responsibility of the Users to guarantee and ensure that the devices and equipment used to access this site are adequately protected against harmful software, computer viruses and worms.


The Promoter guarantees the security, privacy and confidentiality of the personal and other data provided by its Users on the site.


The maintenance of this site is ensured by the Promoter. Notwithstanding our continuous efforts to ensure the quality of our online content and services, we cannot guarantee that all the available information is up to date and free of errors at the date of consultation.


The Promoter reserves the right, absolute and without justification, to suspend, change, add or remove part of the contents of the site at any time and to restrict the use and accessibility to it.


The Promoter may provide hyperlinks to other sites of interest and is not responsible for the privacy policy or conditions of use of such sites.
We recommend that when accessing other sites, you consult all the above information and conditions.


The User may contact the Promoter about all questions related to the treatment of his or her data and to the exercise of the rights conferred to him or her by the applicable legislation and, in particular, by this Privacy Policy, through the following contacts:
Telephone: +351 968 020 313
Address: "Av. General Humberto Delgado, n.º 47 - B 7370-106 Campo Maior Portugal


The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to change the terms of this privacy policy. Such changes will be duly advertised on the website.


Terms and Conditions



These Terms and Conditions regulate the access and use of the website ("Website").
The Website is owned by GET2C, Ltd., with the single taxpayer identification number and registration number 510055540, headquartered at Avenida General Humberto Delgado, No. 47 - B, 7370-106 Campo Maior (hereinafter "GET2C"), in the context of the competition "Climate Travel". This company is hereinafter referred to as "Promoter".

By using or visiting the Website or any of the information, data files, written text, graphics, links, audio or other sound files, photographs, videos or other images (collectively, the "Content"), resources and services (collectively, including the Content, the "Services") made available through it, you, as a user of or visitor to the Website ("User"), agree to (i) these terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions") and confirm that you have read and understood the (ii) Privacy Policy made available on the Website.
Through the Website, the Promoter provides the User with access to the Services. The Services, including updates, developments, new tools and/or new Website properties, are subject to these Terms and Conditions.


The Promoter reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, simply by posting the changes online on the Website, and it is the sole responsibility of the User to check and comply with them on each use. Use of the Website after the posting of changes constitutes acceptance of the updated wording of the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the changes made or generally with the updated Terms and Conditions, you should immediately stop using the Website and the Services. By accessing, using and downloading material from the Website, the User
agrees, on your behalf and/or on behalf of the entity on whose behalf you are acting, to comply punctually with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, ensuring that you have the power to act on behalf of the third party that you represent, if necessary.

Accessing the Services by any means other than through the interface provided by the Promoter, as well as accessing (or attempting to access) the Website and/or the Services through automated means (including the use of scripts or web crawlers) is expressly prohibited. Use of the Website for purposes other than those for which the Website is intended, including illegal purposes or any other purposes that may be considered harmful to the Promoter's image, is expressly prohibited. Usurpation, counterfeiting, exploitation of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition will result in criminal and/or administrative liability. It is also forbidden for the User to create or introduce into this Website any type of virus or programs that damage or contaminate it, or advise third parties to do so.


The Promoter reserves the right to:
(i) modify, add or remove portions of the Terms and Conditions at any time;
(ii) modify or terminate the Services for any reason and without notice at all times;
(iii) modify, substitute, refuse access to, suspend or discontinue, in whole or in part, the Website and the Services.

These changes will take effect from the time of their posting on the Website or the date of sending any communications.


All information contained on the Website and the Services and all data and information compiled by the Promoter associated with it (such as data files, written text, Software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) to which you have access as part of, or through your use of, the Services are deemed to be content of the Promoter. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, loan, sell, distribute or create a work of the Promoter,
sell, distribute or create a derivative work based on such content (in part or in whole), unless expressly authorized in writing to do so by the Promoter or a third party who owns the relevant intellectual property and personality rights. You acknowledge and agree that the Promoter retains all intellectual property rights (whether such rights are registered or unregistered and wherever in the world such rights may exist) in relation to the Services. The Promoter retains all rights not expressly granted to the User in these Terms and Conditions. You further agree not to remove, obscure or alter any intellectual property rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within the Services.

Trademarks and the Like

Unless expressly authorized by the Promoter to do so, nothing in these Terms and Conditions gives the User the right to use any of the Promoter's trademarks, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, the services are provided on an "as is and as available" basis and the Promoter provides no warranty of any kind in relation to them. In particular, the Promoter does not warrant to you that (i) use of the services will meet your needs or expectations; (ii) use of the services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free; (iii) any information obtained as a result of using the services will be accurate or reliable; and (iv) defects, if any, in the operation or functionality of any software provided as part of the services will be corrected.
No conditions, warranties or other terms (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for a purpose or conformity with description) apply to the services except to the extent expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions. Your use of the Website, the Services and any materials downloaded or otherwise obtained through use of the Services is at your sole risk and you are solely responsible for any damages and lost profits caused to the equipment on which you use or view the Website, the Services and the materials available there.
No advice or information, whether oral or written, from the Promoter shall be construed as constituting a warranty of any kind unless expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions. To facilitate user accessibility, the Promoter may include links to websites on the internet that are owned or operated by third parties. When using links to such third party websites, the user must review and accept the rules of that Website before using it. You must also accept that the Promoter does not control the content of that website and cannot accept any responsibility for materials created or published by such third party websites. In addition, a link to a non-Promoter website does not mean that the Promoter endorses the website or the products and services referenced therein.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Promoter accepts no liability to you for any damages resulting:
i. from any changes that the Promoter may make to the Services or any permanent or temporary cessation of the provision of the Services (or any features of the Services);
ii. the deletion, corruption or storage error of any content or other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through your use of the Services; AND
iii. the direct or indirect breach of these Terms and Conditions.

The Promoter's liability to you for any consequential damages in relation to the Website and the Services caused by the Promoter, its representatives or assistants is limited to cases where it is acting with intent or gross negligence and any liability for loss of profit is excluded. If you disagree with the Website or the Services, in whole or in part, or with these Terms and Conditions, you are only entitled to stop using the Website or the Services, as applicable.


The Privacy Policy is available at .
It contains an explanation of the procedures adopted by the Promoter and third parties providing services through the Website in relation to the treatment of the personal data of its Users and the protection of their privacy when using the Website and the Services.


In case of conflict between the Terms and Conditions and other specific provisions or specific terms and conditions existing on the Website relating to certain material, the latter shall prevail.

Exercise of Rights
The failure of the Promoter to exercise or immediately enforce any rights or provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights or provisions.

The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the Promoter relating to your use of, and reference to, the Website and the Services and govern your use of them (excluding any Services that may be provided by the Promoter under a separate written agreement) and supersede in their entirety any prior agreements between you and the Promoter in relation to the Website and the

The invalidity, declared by a final court or arbitration award, of any provision of the Terms and Conditions does not determine the invalidity of the others, and the Promoter reserves the right, if applicable, to modify the Terms and Conditions accordingly in order to overcome the invalidity.

Any notices and communications from the Promoter to you under the Terms and Conditions should preferably be made to the email address or address provided by you in your User Account, although the Promoter may use other contact details and methods. Any notifications, communications and complaints from the User should preferably be made to the email address:


The Terms and Conditions, and the User's relationship with the Promoter in accordance with them, are governed by applicable Portuguese law. The User and the Promoter agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the judicial courts of the district of Lisbon for the resolution of any legal issues arising from the Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to the applicable mandatory legal rules. Notwithstanding the above, the Promoter may apply for injunctive relief (or equivalent urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
